Student Feedback
S1: “Professor Finn put a lot of effort to make the class more engaging. He did his best to put us in breakout rooms to discuss various topics. He is super passionate about the course topic; Professor Finn is one of the best professors I’ve had in the political science department, which is awesome considering he doesn’t typically teach class sizes this large.”
S2: “The most valuable aspect of this course was the way it was broken down and taught. I found that the way the assignments were separated pushed me to keep up with readings/lectures to be able to complete them on time. It was especially helpful since for most of the quarter I was unable to attend the synchronous lecture due to work. Also, I felt that Elliott set us up for success because he broke down the paper into sections instead of expecting us to submit a 6 page policy proposal at the end. It helped make the assignment less intimidating and stressful.”
S3: ”Elliot was a wonderful and engaged instructor. He covered a variety of topics in great depth and detail, and explains things in a clear, easily understandable manner. He was always willing to speak to students in class or in office hours to elucidate matters, and I appreciated how he was willing to adjust due dates, schedules, and requirements in order to accommodate student needs.
S4: “I appreciated Elliot’s understanding of the course and his willingness to work with students during this stressful time. He made the class really interactive and was able to use breakout rooms to stimulate discussion, which isn’t as common as it should be. He made the class really accessible and seamless as possible despite the online format. I wish that more professors were like him.”
S9: “Elliot was very helpful outside of class, especially in office hours. I had a lot of questions, especially on the problem sets and he was very patient and took the time necessary to answer every one. In addition, he took the time to just check in and see how we were doing, which was very appreciated! During online courses, a lot of professors seemed to check out, but it was very clear Elliot took a lot of care into all the lectures and assignments. In lecture, he was always open to student questions and was highly knowledgeable on everything to do with energy politics. His enthusiasm throughout the quarter was refreshing and made the class much more enjoyable. Thank you, Elliot!”

Instructor Feedback
Teaching Testimony professor 1, professor 2 and student.

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